Tritelligence is a personal and business development model with wide-reaching impact for self-assessment, self-development, leadership, team work, communication and culture.

It highlights three inherent intelligences (head, heart and gut) – each with a distinct perception and skill set. When combined it will give us the possibility to unleash our full potential in many aspects of life, from work to private life.

“We don’t see the world how it is
but how we are.”

Intelligence filters our perception.

All of our behaviour, reactions and decisions are subconsciously informed by one of three intelligences – head, heart and gut (body).
We filter the world through our predominant intelligence and focus on different aspects of reality whether we like it or not – with individual needs and questions.

Each intelligence brings a unique skill set


Every intelligence center has unique inherent skills and abilities that are subconsciously developed and formed through our nature, experiences and biography. While biographical expertise is adding to everyone’s skill set individually, the abilities of each predominant intelligence have surprisingly strong commonalities.

The following overview is a simplified excerpt of the skills of each intelligence:


Cognitive intelligence
(Consciousness and imagination)

Skill excerpt: Seeing logical inconsistencies in thoughts, words and behaviour almost instantly

Thinking ahead to be prepared for things that could go wrong (and having a plan for it)


Subconscious Question: Does it make sense?

Unconscious motivation: Deep understanding of a topic, having (and giving) precise and differentiated information, asking questions, raising concerns, having ideas

Higher quality: Vision and wisdom

Emotional / social intelligence
(Relationship and evaluation)

Skill excerpt: Seeing, understanding and feeling needs of self and others (e.g. teams, customers)

Sensing impact of decisions on customers, knowing about perceived image and ability to quickly adapt (to changes, groups, circumstances or markets)


Subconscious Question: Is it good for me (and others)?

Unconscious motivation: Finding (deeper) meaning, seeing goals, supporting others, listening

Higher quality: Inspiration and creativity

Instinctive intelligence
(Life energy and actions)

Skill excerpt: Making fast and clear decisions (without too much information) and strongly standing by them

Taking action with good intuition for what’s right or wrong

Gut (Body)

Subconscious Question: What needs to be done?

Unconscious motivation: Taking responsibility for (almost) anything, seeing what’s “right or wrong”, setting boundaries

Higher quality: Excitement and enthusiasm

There’s no better or worse intelligence.
Only growth by integration.

Not evaluating is one of the most fundamental principles of growth and development. There is no “good or bad” and “better or worse” intelligence.
With a non-judgemental, appreciating mindset we will start to see the great benefits and potential that each intelligence brings for ourselves, our decision-making, our actions and our teams.

Neglecting intelligences means neglecting people.

Every person relies most on one of three intelligences. It takes the steering wheel while the other two are in the passenger seat. If we want to reach people, customers and teams universally, we will have to speak to them on all level of intelligence. A tritelligent communication style is fairly easy to understand yet heart to master because it involves self-knowledge, self-reflection and the willingness to change, share and grow



Conflicts arise because there are different views on reality

When we look at the same situation, each of us will have a different evaluation of it. We will focus on different aspects and tell a different story about it afterwards. This is one of the main reasons why misunderstandings and conflicts are (almost) inevitable.


Head people can experience others as uninformed, illogical, overly emotional, irrational and sometimes even threatening and aggressive giving them the feeling that they’re not understood by others.

Body (Gut)

Body /Gut people can experience others as hestitant, afraid, inconsistent, manipulative, asking too many questions and explaining too long giving them the feeling that others don’t respect them and their decisions.


Heart people can experience others cold, distant, tough, heartless, inconsiderate, giving them a feeling that are not appreciated for their work and contributions.